Past Events

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  • ECC Open Day
    • Our 1st open day was on September 4th 2021, we were pleased to have The VIPs and Fever Pitch join us to entertain.  The day itself wasn’t very well attended by the public but it was deemed a success.  We sung our repertoire, we had a great time, everyone enjoyed the day, we covered all costs in putting on the day, and we had a new member come join us on the following monday… So for the those reasons it was a success!  The whole chorus worked hard to make it a success, and their hard work paid off.
  • ECC Christmas meal
    • Our first social event was a joint one with the VIPs.  We had our Christmas meal at the Best Western Ipswich Hotel, Copdock, on the 11th Decmeber.
  • ECC Christmas social rehearsal/sing
    • Our last rehearsal before Christmas wasn’t a true rehearsal, instead we all went to the Cricketers pub in Ipswich, had a few drinks and a meal, then sang a few songs, which went down very well… The manager came over later that evening and said that we sounded really good!
  • ECC Open Day/Celebration of Music, at Freston Village hall 
    • On September 10th 2022, we had a successful day showing off what we do, joined by The VIPs and Fever Pitch, to provide a day of entertainment. With buffet food, plenty of hot and cold drinks, and a raffle. A good time was had by all.
  • Buttermarket Shopping Centre
    • On Sunday December 11th 2022 we arranged a sing out, busking style, in the Buttermarket Shopping Centre in Ipswich.  It went very well, was very well recieved by public and the management of the Buttermarket themselves.  We even managed to attract a new member, that obviouly liked what we do.


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